E- center


Brief: E-center is one of Dimofinf CMS features that helps in facilitating messages among website members. The admin can send one message to a group of members or all the website members. As well as, you can manage the message content format and size by using the text editor. 


To create a contact list and send email to a group of members, follow the below steps: 

From the control panel> select e-center>then newsletter as shown below: 

And the below page will show up: 

Subject: enter the title of the message. 

Gender: choose the recipients gender whether they are males or females. 

Priority Level: set the importance level of this message to be shown to the members. 

Usergroup: set the groups that will receive this message. 

Message: write down the message content. 

Attachment: upload attachments added to the message, press (more) to add multiple attachments.

Press (submit) to send, or (reset) to re enter new data. 

Noting that the message will be sent within one hour. 

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