Security Options

Brief: this setting allows you to control some features of Dimofinf CMS related to security and protection such as censorship, IP or email block and other features.

To control the settings of the security and protection options:

From Cpanel, select Settings> Dimofinf Settings> then Security Options as shown in the picture below: 

The options of these settings will show up, as shown in the following picture:


Enable Censorship: sometimes you may have certain words censored on your website; so here you can choose to enable or disable this feature.

Character to Replace Censored Words: you can insert the character that will be displayed instead of the censored word in this field.

Censored Words: you can insert the censored words in this field, and you have to separate them with spaces or lines.

Blank ASCII Character Stripper: this option allows you refine ASCII letters in texts, posts, etc. you can enter these letters in the form of the letter number in ASCII format separating each two letters with a space.

Referrer Whitelist: For security purposes, Dimofinf only allows data to be posted from the domain or subdomains Dimofinf is installed on. Enter domains in the form of (including the leading dot). Separate multiple domains by line breaks.

Enable Banning Options: you can enable or disable the block property for a certain IP or email through this option.

Banned IP Addresses: you can enter here the IP to be blocked and prevent it from using all your website departments. The IPs should be separated with a space.

Banned Email Addresses: you can enter the emails to be blocked in this field. If you type the full email, only the email will be blocked without blocking the email provider extension. 

Strict Email Banning: activate this option to ban the incomplete emails, ex. Email with ‘gmail’ will be banned, on the contrary, if this option is deactivated, emails only with ‘’ will be banned. 

Minimum Time Between Communications: is the minimum time (in minutes) between one communication and another on the website. Set zero (0) to disable this option.

Minimum Time Between Searches: is the minimum time (in minutes) between one search and another by the website visitor. Set zero (0) to disable this option.

Ignored Search Words: You can add words that you would like to be ignored by the system during the searching process performed by users.

Session IP Octet Length Check: is used to check the entering session IP. This is useful if you have members and users who are behind transparent proxies and have an IP address that is changed continuously for each browsing process. 

Use Login "Strikes" System: if the user is trying to login with incorrect data, he will be blocked for 15 minutes. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save. 

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