Edit or Delete Content


Brief: you may need to edit questions and answers after being published. Editing can be tackled using the control panel or the website it self in case you are permitted to edit the published contents. 

1- Login to control panel. 

2- From modules list, select (Questions)> (List Sections) as the below picture: 

3- Press (List) icon in front of the required section as the picture below: 


A list of included contents will appear with some icons in front of each one such as replies, other ones that facilitate taking actions like view, edit, or delete. 

-Total: this item show the number of added answered. 

-Answers: use this item to add, list, edit or delete answers. 

-Action: to view, edit, or delete contents on the website. 

View Content on the Website: press (view) content icon as below picture: 

Edit Content: press (Edit) content icon as the below picture: 

Delete Content: press (Delete) content icon as the below picture: 

The below message will show up to confirm deletion: 

For more actions: select the content, >press (actions), then choose the action you want to make as shown below: 

In case of editing content using the website page, follow the below: 

Enter to the content page, and press (Edit) or (Delete) icon existed beneath the content. 

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