Brief:This tutorial is applied for all modules such as (news, articles, videos, etc..) 


1- Login to the control panel. 


2- Press (modules), and all the activated modules will appear, press any module and its controlling features will be shown, hit the feature “add section.


“Adding new section” template shows up as the picture below: 

-Parent Section: choose the section  in which you want to include the new one, if this new section is a main one, choose “no one”

-Title: enter the section name ( it is recommended to be short, compatible with the content, and free of symbols or formation in order to help in SEO). 

-Description: it is a brief to help the visitor and member to know about the section. 

-Picture: add a picture that reflects the section content. 

-Display order: it helps in displaying the section in the control panel and manual ordering as well.  

-Meta Description: It is used by SEO to index the page more releventely. 


-Meta Keywords: It is used by SEO to index the page more releventely. 


-Active: if you press  "Off", the section will be pending and waiting for approval to be published. 

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