Adding Content


1- Login to the control panel. 

2- From the modules list, choose “articles” , then “list section” as shown below: 

3- Press the icon “add” in front of the required section as the picture below: 

The below template will show up: 

User: enter the membership number that you wanted to add the content, the membership name will appear once the number is changed.

Section: the section name to which this content is blonged, is shown here. 

Title: it is the name of the content, it is recommended to be short, free of formatting and symbols, and compatible with the context to help in SEO.

Description: enter some details about the contact that would help the visitor to know a brief about it. 

Suggested tags: suggested keywords that are mentioned depending on the added title, (it is not necessary to choose all the suggested keywords as they are all automatically recommended depending on the SEO,  so it is better to carefully choose the keywords). 

Tags: it helps in SEO. 

Allow Comments: allow or disallow the members and visitors to comment on the content ( in case the comments plugin is activated). 

Allow pingbacks: allow or disallow the ping and pingbacks to this content. 

Display on Homepage: activate or deactivate displaying the content on the homepage to get more views. 

Status: this option is to set the content status whether it is published, rejected, or pending. To display the content, choose “published”. 

Sticky: this option allows you to display the content in the pinned pictures block. 

Publishing Date: manage the publishing date that is shown with the content on the homepage. 

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