Team Work


Brief: this plugin enables to display the team work data, roles and position on the website. 


Firstly: settings: 

1- Login to the control panel

2- from the side list, select (settings)> then (plugins settings) as the picture below: 

3- the settings list will show up, choose (Teamwork settings) as the picture below:

The below page appears:

-Enable Teamwork plugin: activate or deactivate this plugin. 

-Usergroups: select the groups you want to be displayed on the teamwork page and block. 

-Members excluded: enter the members IDs that you don’t want to be displayed. 

-Page title: this title is used for the plugin block, adding to the teamwork page existed in the right list.

-Information to show: select the information that is shown as a team member data.  

-Enable 'About me': enables you to view information about each member of the team. 

-Maximum users per row: set the maximum number of users that are displayed per row on the teamwork page. 

-Display in main menu: press “yes” to display the plugin in the main list. 


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