Award System Plugin


Brief: this plugin allows you to give members awards appreciating their activities on your website. 


Firstly: Award system plugin settings: 

1-Log In to the control panel

2-From the setting list, select (Plugins settings) as the below picture: 

3- A list will show up, choose (Award system settings) as shown below: 

The below setting options will show up: 

-Activate: activate or deactivate this plugin.

-Integrate Awards system with points system: to activate or deactivate the awards system along with points system; if this option is activated, the member who gets the awards, will have extra points. 

-Display In Member"s Profile: activate or deactivate displaying the awards on the member’s page. 

-Congratulations Message: write down the message that the member will receive once he gets the award. 

-Award Icon Height: set the height of the award icon. 

-Award Icon Width: set the width of the award icon. 

-Display Award Picture: activate or deactivate displaying the award picture. 

-Awards Display Order: set the method of awards displaying order. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save. 


Secondly, to add new section, follow the below: 

From the control panel> select plugins>awards system> then add section as the below picture: 

The below picture will show up: 

-Title: add the title of the section that you want to add. 

-Description: enter details and information about the added section. 

-Display Order: set the displaying order. 

-Display Order: activate or deactivate displaying the section. 

Press (Submit) to add an the award, or (Reset) to re enter new data.


Thirdly: To list, edit, or delete any award, follow the below: 

From the control panel> select plugins>awards system> then list sections as the below picture: 

The below picture will show up: 

-Add: to add awards to the section. 

-List: to list the awards included in the section. 

-Edit Icon: is used to edit any award.

-Delete Icon: is used to delete any award.

Select the sections, and press (Save) in order to activate the pending sections. 


Fourthly: to add awards, follow the below: 

From the control panel> select plugins> awards system> list sections> then press the icon (Add) in front of the required section, as shown in the below picture: 

The below picture will show up: 

-Section: select the section to which you want to add the award. 

-Title: add the award title. 

-Description: add some information about the award.

-Points: set the number of points that are added to the member who gets the award. 

-Icon: upload the award icon. 

-Picture: upload the picture of the added award. 

-Display Order: set the order of the award displaying. 

-Active: activate or deactivate displaying the award. 

Press (Submit) to add an the award, or (Reset) to re enter new data.


Fifthly: to list, edit. Or delete the awards, follow the below: 

From the control panel> select plugins> awards system> list sections> then press the icon (List) in front of the required section, as shown in the below picture: 

The below picture will show up: 

-Edit Icon: is used to edit any award details.

-Delete Icon: is used to delete any award.


Sixthly: some members request to get the awards by following the below steps: 

-Press the (award icon) on the home page. 

-the member is transferred to the available awards page. 

-he press the the button (request an award) and template that he has to fill, will show up. 

-the member has to enter the reason why he wants to get this award. Then, he presses (Submit) to send the request, or (Reset) to re enter new data.


Seventhly: to approve the members’ request, follow the below: 

From the control panel> select plugins> award system> then pending requests a shown below: 

The below picture will show up: 

You can search for and filter requests by using the member's name, request reason, or the award name, to approve the request, press the sign in front of the required award, and press (Approve). 

As well as, you can delete the request by pressing the icon (Delete). 

After the request is approved, the award is displayed on the member’s pager as shown below: 


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