Media Interviews Plugin


Brief: this plugin enables you to add a visual or broadcasting content such as (Television and Radio interviews) for celebrities. 


Firstly: Media plugin settings: 

1-Log In to the control panel

2-From the setting list, select (Plugins settings) as the below picture: 


3-A list will show up, choose (Media settings) as shown below: 

The below setting options will show up: 

-Enable Media Interviews: activate or deactivate this plugin. 

-Number of contents in each block: set the number of contents that are displayed in each block of the plugin. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save.


Secondly: to add media interviews, follow the below: 

From the control panel> select plugins>media interviews> then add as the below picture: 

The below picture will show up: 

-Title: name the media interview that you are adding. 

-Type: choose its type whether it is radio or TV. 

-Channel / Station Name: enter the channel or station name that broadcasts the interview. 

-Date: add the date when the added interview is broadcasted. 

-Description: write down some details about the interview, or add a link to watch or listen to it. 

-Multi-Media: you can upload multimedia to the interview such as picture, audio, or video. 

Note that you can delete the uploaded attachment by signing the button (delete attachments). 

Press (Submit) to add an event, or (Reset) to re enter new data.


Thirdly: To list, edit, or delete any interview, follow the below: 

From the control panel> select plugins>media interviews> the list as the below picture: 

The below picture will show up: 

-View Icon: is used to view the interview. 

-Edit Icon: is used to edit any interview.

-Delete Icon: is used to delete any interview.


Fourthly: The plugin displaying method on the website: 

The block (media interviews) can be added to any location on the website using the default layout, for more details, click here 

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