Last Comments Plugin

Brief: this plugin enables you to display the latest comments on the website contents. The block of this comments is located wherever you want on the website using the default layout, noting that this plugin is related to the comments one. 

Firstly: Last comments plugin settings: 

1-Log In to the control panel

2-From the setting list, select (Plugins settings) as the below picture: 

3-A list will show up, choose (Last comments settings) as shown below: 

The below setting options will show up: 


-Enable Last Comments: activate or deactivate the plugin.

-Sort by: the comments can be sorted as per as the latest added one, or the most liked comment by the visitors. 

-Select Modules: choose modules that the last comments will be gotten from their contents. 

-Maximum Comments: set the maximum number of comments to be shown in the block. 

-Show section name: enable or disable the section name to be shown beside comments. 

-Show content title: enable or disable the content title to be shown beside comments. 

-Show content statistics: enable or disable the content statistics icon to be displayed. 

-Show comment date: enable or disable the comment date to be shown beside comments. 

-Show user image: enable or disable the user image to be shown beside comments.

-Show comment cutoff: activate or deactivate cropping the comment at a certain point. 

-Cutoff comments characters: if the previous feature is activated, you need to set the allowed characters number of comments to be displayed. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save. .

Secondly: the plugin icon displaying method on the website: 

The block (Last comments) can be added to any location on the website using the default layout, for more details, click here 

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