Download Tools

Brief: download tools enable you to add features of the uploaded documents without a need of duplication. Just choose features during uploading and they are divided into (categories and fields). 

Firstly: Categories 

1-Add Category 

1- login to the control panel. 

2- From the modules list, select “Download”> “Download Tools”> “Categories”> then press “Add category” as the below picture: 

The below template will show up: 

-Name: is the category name to be added. 

2- List categories “Edit or Delete Categories” 

1- Login to the control panel.

2- From the modules list, select “Download”> “Download Tools”> “Categories”> then press “List” as the below picture: 

To edit category: press edit button as the below picture: 

To delete category: press delete button as the below picture: 

Secondly: Fields Groups

1-Add Fields Groups

1- Login to the control panel. 

 From the modules list, select “Download”> “Download Tools”> “Fields groups”> then press “Add” as the below picture: 

The below template will show up: 

2-List Fields groups “Edit or Delete fields groups” 

1- Login to the control panel. 

 From the modules list, select “Download”> “Download Tools”> “Group fields”> then press “List” as the below picture: 

To edit group fields: press the button “edit” as the below picture: 

To delete group fields: press the button “delete” as the below picture: 

3-Add, edit, or delete the groups fields

1- Login to the control panel.

2- From the modules list, select “Download”> “Download Tools”> “groups Fields”> then press “List” and press (Add) as the below picture: 

The below template will show up: 

A tutorial that explains how to fill these boxes can be found in the e-center explanations. 

To edit fields, press (list) as the below picture: 

Then press edit as below: 

To delete fields, press the button (delete) ash shown below: 

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