Adding Content


Brief: articles can be added by following two ways; first one is to use the CMS control panel, and the second one is through the section page that is shown to the website visitors. 


1- Login to control panel. 

2- From Modules List, select “Articles”> then “List Sections” as shown in the below picture: 

3- Press the icon “Add” in front of the required section in which the content will be added as shown below: 


Open the article using the website main page, then select the section , and press (Add Article) 

For both of the two ways, the below template will show up: 


User: this option enables to add a name for the user that will publish the article. 

Author: this box is used when you are frequently publishing authors’ articles that your visitors are waiting for. 

This box is significant when a poem is posted, as you can add the writer name and a brief about him. 

The (Author) box depends on various elements; it will not be shown until it is activated from (Article settings). You have to add the authors names to be shown in the dropdown list. 

Section: select a section in which the content will be added. 

Note: every user has access to a number of sections that will only be viewed to him. 

Title: is recommended to be short, compatible with the context, and includes key words mentioned in the article. 

Content: is a description that helps visitors to acknowledge details about the content and it is displayed beneath the content itself. The content box includes (BBcode Editor) and (Wydiwyg Editor), you can set one of them by pressing its icon. 

Background Sound- Background picture (Plugin belongs to Article Module): to add a sound and picture background for the article, activate the background plugin, and upload pictures and sound tracks from which you will choose. 

These options will not appear till the background plugin is activated. 

Suggested tags: every article has keywords that are used for searching in any browser. Accurate selection of these words helps in SEO and attract more visitors to your website. 

Dimofinf V.5 provides you with some key words depending on the title. You can choose from these keywords or enter another ones in the (Tags) box

Allow Comments (In case comments plugin is activated): to allow the website visitors to make a comment on the article, activate comments plugin. You can add different comments plugin valid in Dimofinf store such as (Facebook,Disquss…) all platforms will be shown in the same block highlighting every individual one. 

This option is shown only if the comments plugin is activated. 

Note: The comments block can be displayed on the internal pages of the module only, not all the website pages. 

Firstly: activate (Allow Comments) option while you are creating the article. 

Secondly: follow the below steps if you don’t create comments block yet. 

Activate (Default Layout) from the main menu, then press (Adding Block) on the side page. Select (Comments) block and drag it to where you want to be displayed. Mostly, it is displayed beneath the content block. 

This location can be edited at any time by dragging it to the new one. Share on Facebook (In case Facebook plugin is activated): Websites are sharing their content on Facebook, so that we add this feature to (Adding Content) blocks. The content will be shared on Facebook at the same time when it is added to the website. Activate (Facebook Plugin) to enjoy this feature. 

Allow pingbacks: This feature helps in SEO as a digital marketing strategy. It consists of a group of external links “backlink” that refers to your website. For example, if a link that refers to a page  of your website is included in any article published on other websites, this article will be recorded on your server. It is preferably to activate this feature for all content. 

Displaying in the Main Page: If the main pages includes article block, it allows displaying the articles on the main page. This block may be (The recent articles) or (Articles sections), in this case, the article will be displayed inside the most prior block as per as (Articles Module Settings). 

Status: This option is used to set the content status whether to be; “published or waiting approval”. So that, to display the content, choose “published”. 

Publishing date: it is used to manage the content date that is shown on the website

Press (Submit) to add article, or (Reset) to re enter the data. 

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