Users' Group Manager


Brief: users group manager feature enables you divide members into groups such as (admins, writers, featured members, etc) providing them certain permissions like (writing, approving, editing, approve comments, adjust some options, etc). You are able to add new groups with different names and permissions.   

Add Group: 

To add a new group and adjust its permissions, follow the below tutorial: 

From the control panel> choose user group manager> then add as shown below:  

The below template will show up: 

You can create a new group that doesn’t include the old ones permissions, by ignoring the first option (Create Usergroup Based on the usergroup), and you can create a new group using the old one and editing its permissions: 

Create Usergroup Based on the usergroup: choose the group that you want to copy its permissions and edit them then, and press (Go), so the same permissions are included in the new group, then you can edit them as per the new group requirements. 


New Usergroup: it includes the the new group data. 

-Title: write down the new group name that is shown in the CMS control panel.  

-Description: enter some details about the newly added group. 

-Usergroup Title: enter the new group name that is shown beneath the member’s name. 

-Custom Fields: used to edit the new group permissions, noting that you can use the same ones of the latest group. 

Press (Save) and the new group is added in your groups list. 


List Groups: 

To list the groups, follow the below steps: 

From the control panel> choose user group manager> then list as shown below:  

The belwo template will show up: 

All existing groups on the website are shown. 

Press (view) to list the group members, and the icon (edit) is used to adjust the group permissions. 


Editing Group: 

To edit a group, follow the below: 

From the control panel> choose user group manager> then list as shown below:  

Press the icon (edit) as shown in the below picture: 

You will be transferred to another page to edit the group's fields and permissions, as  shown in the below picture: 


Group members:

To list the group members and edit their permissions, follow the below: 

From the control panel> choose user group manager> list as shown below:  

Then press list as shown below: 

A page of all group members is shown, press the required member that you want to edit his data, and you are transferred to his page. 

Delete Group: 

To delete any group, follow the below: 

From the control panel> choose user group manager> then list

The groups page is shown up, press the icon (delete) in front of the required group as shown in below picture: 

A message to confirm deleting the group will be displayed: 

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