Editor and BBCode Options


To edit the editor options and BB code, follow the below tutorial: 

From Cpanel, select Settings> Dimofinf Settings> then Editor and BBCode Options as the picture below: 

The below settings will show up: 



Enable Dimofinf BBCode Editor: activate or deactivate BB code. 

Enable Dimofinf WYSIWYG Editor: activate or deactivate advanced WYSIWYG Editor. 

Allow Smilies: activate or deactivate emojis. 

Allow Canneds: activate or deactivate members to save texts. 

Maximum Poem Canneds: Maximum poem canneds a user can save. 

Maximum Text Canneds:  Maximum formats canneds a user can save. 

Maximum BBCode Canneds: Maximum BBCode canneds a user can have

Fonts Editor: fonts that are used in editor, put each font in a  seperate line. 

Maximum Size For Image Files In megabytesWysiwyg and Editor”: enter the maximum size of the picture, any extra- sized picture will not be uploaded. 

Maximum Image Display width: any picture that exceeds the enter width will be automatically resized. There is a magnifier to show the picture in its original size. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save. 

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