General Options


To adjust General Options, follow the below tutorial: 

From Cpanel, select Settings> Dimofinf Settings> then General Options as shown in the below picture: 

The below settings will show up: 

Welcome Message: enter the welcome message that will be shown to visitors, noting that this message is a block that has to be added to the default layout. 

Announcement Title: enter the announcement title that appears on the home page, noting that this block is added to the default layout properly. 

Announcement Message: is the announcement text. 

Copyright Text: Copyright text that appears on the page footer.

Maximum attachment file size in megabytes : enter the maximum size of uploaded files, any exceeding files will not allowed to upload. 

Maximum allowed attachments: enter the maximum number of attached files in one time. 

Maximum Contents Per Page: Maximum number of contents to be displayed on one page.This applies to all basic modules.

Maximum Image Dimensions: any bigger image will be resized to fit these dimensions. It applies to all basic modules. 

Width of the image to be magnified: any smaller image will be magnified to reach the entered value. 

Maximum Image Thumb Dimensions: the uploaded image thumb will be resized to reach the entered value. 

Image Quality: enter the image purity percentage that the image should reach depending on the previous settings. 

Number of Pages Visible on Page Navigator: if news/articles/comments (etc.) require multiple pages to be displayed, this option selects how many pages links are shown on either side of the current page.

Relative Jumps for Page Navigator: If news/articles/comments (etc.) require multiple pages to be displayed, this option sets how many pages can be jumped relatively to the current one. For example, by choosing 10 here, links will appear for current page -10 and current page +10.

Meta Keywords: enter the keywords that will help in SEO. 

Meta Description: Enter the meta description for the homepage and all pages (if no module/sections description is available). This is used by search engines to index your pages more relevantly.

Number of tags inside the tags cloud: Number of tags to display in the tags template. 

Max number of tags to display per page on tags list page: the maximum number of tags to be shown in one page in the tags list. 

Maximum Contents Per Search Results Page And Tags: Maximum number of tags to be displayed on one search results page and tags.

Maximum Contents On Search Suggestions List: the maximum number of shown contents in one page. 

Maximum Contents On "Related Searches" List: enter the maximum number of shown related results. 

Number Of Days to Keep Action Log Records: the website actions log is saved for the entered number of days. 

Number Of Days to Keep Error Log Records: the website errors log is saved for the entered number of days. 

Number Of Days to Keep Activity Log Records: the members action are saved for the entered number of days. 

Max content editing duration: enter the maximum time in seconds for editing the content. During this time, if any member edits the content, a message will show up that another member is editing the content. 


Press (Edit Settings) to save. 


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