Store Data

To adjust the Store Data Settings, follow the below: 

From Cpanel, select Settings> Dimofinf Settings> then Store Data as shown below: 

The below settings will appear as shown in the below picture: 

FTP Host: is the name of your FTP host (Domain). 

FTP USER: is the name of your FTP user ( Cpanel username). 

FTP Password: is the password of your FTP user ( Cpanel password). 

CMS FTP Folder: is the folder path of the hosted Dimofinf CMS V.5, if the files are included in folder named (Dimofinf) , the path will be  public_html/dimofinf. If the files are included in the main path, it will be : public_html/. 

FTP Port: is your FTP port ( it is mostly 21). 

Store Username: is the store username that was sent after installing CMS. 

Store Password:  is the store password that was sent after installing CMS. 

USE SSL FTP: activate it if you use SSL for your website. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save. 

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