MoxieManager Professional


Brief: this plugin enables you to remotely upload files to other servers, such as uploading FTP data that enables you to use another server, google drive, and dropbox website. 


Firstly: settings: 

1- Login to the control panel

2- from the side list, select (settings)> then (plugins settings) as the picture below: 

3- the settings list will show up, choose (Moxiemanager professional settings) as the picture below:

The below page appears:

-Enable MoxieManager: to activate or deactivate the plugin. 

-MoxieManager Folder: is the name of the folder that exists on the server.

-MoxieManager Language: choose the language used for the plugin. 

-Disable tools from the user interface: choose the tools you want to display. 

-Enable Generating Thumbnails: if you activate this option, any uploaded picture will be resized to be smaller. 

-Max upload size: set the maximum size of the uploaded file. 

-Auto resize images?: activate this option, so all uploaded pictures will be resized automatically to the next set dimensions.  

-Max Image Width: set the maximum width of the uploaded pictures. 

-Max Image Height : set the maximum height of the uploaded pictures. 

-Auto Resize JPEG Quality: set the percentage of the picture quality. 

- Googledrive Client_Id: enter the client ID on Google drive. 

- Dropbox Application id: enter the client ID on dropbox. 

-Ftp Config: enter the FTP data to be able to upload files on the required platform. 

-Enable Overwriting: enable this option to be able to update any previously uploaded file. 

-Enabled Plugins: choose the plugins you want to show in the file manager. 

-Allowed Extensions: enter the allowed extensions to be uploaded through this plugin. 

-Max number of favorites: set the maximum number of faviourts if the plugin is activated. 

-Max History: set the maximum number of stored files if the plugin is enabled. 

-Folders in contents folder: are the plugin folders included in a folder named “contents.

-File System Rootpath: is the used path to upload files. 


Secondly: edit and use the plugin:

- File Manager main page: 

- Create folders in the file manager: 

- Upload folders: 


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