Bookmark Manager


Brief: this feature enables you to publish the website content on platforms such as (facebook, twitter, linkedin, google ).


Firstly: Bookmark manager viewing

1- Login to control panel

2- From the side list, select (Tools)>(Languages)> then (Bookmark Manager) as shown in the below picture: 

The below list will show up: 

This page is used to view, edit, or delete bookmarks. 


Secondly: Adding bookmark:

1- Login to control panel

2- From the side list, select (Tools)>(Languages)> then (Bookmark Manager) as shown in the below picture: 

3- Press (Add New Bookmark Site) as shown in the below picture: 

The below page is appeared: 


Title: enter the title that is shown when the visitor passes by the icon, and it is viewed as well in the control panel during displaying the bookmarks. 

Icon: is the icon shown in the content and it has to be inserted here in the icon folder path: images/bookmark. 

Link: enter the bookmark link that you want to add; you can use (bmurl) variable to enter the content link, and (bmtitle) to describe the content. 

Display Order: manage the displaying order of the bookmark. 

Active: activate or deactivate the bookmark. 

Then press (Save). 


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