Disable Domain Auto Renewal


To know how to enable or disable domain auto renewal, you can follow this explanation:


  • Login to your Control Panel in Dimofinf website with your email and password.

  • A new menu will be displayed, choose  (Domains).
  • A list of your domains will be displayed on the page, choose (Auto Renewal Status) beside the domain that you want to enable or disable its auto renewal option.

  • If auto renewal is enabled, you can disable it by pressing the cancellation button beside the phrase (auto renewal status).
  • If auto renewal is disabled and you want to enable it, press the button again to reactivate it.

Important Notes:

  • If your domain registration has expired, and auto renewal is enabled, the domain will be renewed automatically if you had enough credit balance in your account.
  • If auto renewal is disabled, you will receive a due invoice, and in case you want to renew the domain, please pay the invoice and open ticket directed to billing department includes your deposit data
  • If you have domains that you don’t want to renew, it is recommended to disable their auto renewal immediately, so that they can’t be renewed automatically deducted from your balance in case you have sufficient balance in your account.
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