Fields Types


Brief: Every mailing template consists of a group of fields that are not the same in all the templates. So that, the below fields will be explained to determine the ones that will be in use. 


Text: is used for small texts like (Name, Address, National ID): 

Content: is used for the content, and the editor can use it to form the text right. 

Check Box (Properties List): is used to show multiple properties. 

Radio Box ( Properties List): is used to show one single option. 

Select (Properties List): is used to show both one option or multiple properties, and a list of options as well. 

Multi Select (Options list): it enables to edit the option in order to set multiple properties. 

File: is used to upload a file from the PC. 

Date: is used to enter a future or recent date. 

Date Time (Detailed Time): is used to add the time to date to be more detailed. 

Time: is used to enter the hours and minutes.

Multi Fields: this option enables to use  multiple fields at the same time including ( text ، select ، checkbox ، radio ).


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