Layout Scheduling


 Brief: Layout Scheduling enables you to activate certain layout on a selected date and time.  In case there is an occasion like (National Day, Ramadan, or a Feast) that has a certain layout that you would like to activate. All you need is to add this layout to the Layout Scheduling setting a date and time and the layout will be activated automatically. 

Firstly: Review Layout Scheduling: 

1- Login to the Cpanel 

2- From the side list, select (Styles & layout) >(Layout information)> then (Layout Scheduling) as shown in the picture below: 

The Scheduling layout will be shown as below: 

Secondly, Adding Layout Schedule: 

1- Login to the Cpanel 

2- From the side list, select (Styles & layout) >(Layout information)> then (Layout Scheduling) as shown in the picture below: 

3- Press ( Add layout Scheduling) ash shown below: 

This template will be viewed: 

  • Title: is the layout title that will be created. 
  • Starting Date: is used to set when the layout starts. 
  • Options: are the tackled options after the layout start such as, layout, style, and override. 
  • Ending Date: is used to set when the layout ends. 
  •  Options: are the tackled options after the layout start such as, layout, style, and override. 
  • Active: is used to activate or deactivate the layout. 
  • Press (Submit) to save. 


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