Edit Teams and Members Data

Firstly: Edit Teams

To edit teams data, follow the below steps: 

Select (Club Module) from (Modules) list, >press (Teams) > then (List) as shown below: 

The list of teams will show up with three icons; edit permissions, delete, and edit as shown in the below picture:  

After pressing (Edit Permissions), you will be transferred to the page of editing the section permissions, press here to view editing permission tutorial: 

There is a cell to (activate or deactivate) the section, and you can press (select all) and (save) to make sure that all sections are activated. 

You are permitted to publish contents when the section is activated. 

Note that sections are displayed as per as the previously set order. 

The number of included contents are shown beside each section title. 

Secondly: Edit the section contents (team members) 

You can edit member’s data using the website interface or the control panel. 

Through the website interface, you can press (edit- delete) icons on the member’s page. They are located at the bottom of the page if you permitted to edit to edit this member data. 

On the other hand, you can use the control panel to edit the data following the below steps: 

Select (Club Module) from (Modules) list, >press (Teams) > then (List) and press the icon (List) located in front of the team you want to edit: : 

The below template will show up:  

Th icon (View) transfers you to the member’s website page, (Edit) allows you to edit his date, and (Delete) is used for omitting him. 

Dimofinf V.5 allows the website editors to modify, move, or delete the section contents in a very smooth way. As the editor can display the section contents and manage (comments, pingbacks, and replies). Besides, the list (action) can be used to manage each content individually, or press (select all) to manage them all 

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